89-Year-Old Fan Travels 5,000 Miles to See Taylor Swift in Paris—Proves Age Is No Barrier to Passion!

Nancy Strong, 89, has been a devoted Taylor Swift fan for nearly 15 years. She made the journey from Dallas to Paris to attend Taylor’s Eras Tour concert, purchasing a ticket for €190 ($205). The great-grandmother described the concert as one of the most thrilling nights of her life.

Inspiring! Meet the 90-Year-Old Taylor Swift Fan Who Traveled the World to  See Her Idol

Nancy recounted that while visiting her brother in New York with her granddaughter Jennifer, they seized the opportunity to buy tickets for the European leg of the tour. Despite the time difference, they eagerly logged on the moment tickets were released.


Nancy stayed up as long as she could before giving in to sleep. At around 3 a.m., Jennifer burst into her room with the exciting news: “Granny, Granny—I’ve got the tickets!” The joy was palpable as they celebrated their good fortune, knowing they were headed to Paris on May 9, 2024.

Nancy’s admiration for Swift began in September 2009 when she watched the MTV Video Music Awards at her Dallas home. It was the infamous night Kanye West interrupted Taylor’s acceptance speech. Initially confused, Nancy was soon moved by the incident, feeling deeply for the young and vulnerable artist.

She said she felt a connection to Taylor Swift

Nancy Strong, 89, exemplifies her last name with her resilient spirit. She’s always stood against bullying and admired how Taylor Swift handled a challenging situation.

Grandmother, age 90, travels to see Taylor Swift concert with her  granddaughter | Fox News

The incident sparked Nancy’s interest in Taylor, especially when she learned Taylor was from Reading, Pennsylvania—a town close to her heart. Nancy and her husband Asa, 93, lived in Reading during the 1960s while raising their five sons, creating a strong personal connection.

The more Nancy learned about Taylor, the more she admired her, particularly for her family-oriented values and her parents’ involvement in her career. Nancy has 12 grandchildren, six of whom are girls, and they were all inspired by Taylor’s success and relate to her as a young woman.

I'm 89 and flew 5,000 miles to see Taylor Swift in Paris. I treated myself to a $2K per night hotel and it was worth every penny.

When Jennifer, Nancy’s granddaughter, asked if she wanted to see Taylor in Paris, it was an easy decision. Nancy, who has run a travel agency for nearly 50 years, has traveled extensively, though she’s yet to visit the Arctic, Antarctic, or a few South American countries. As she approaches 90, she shows no signs of slowing down.

Nancy’s love for Europe led her to book a week-long vacation in Amsterdam and Paris after securing Taylor concert tickets for €190 ($205) each. They splurged on luxury with $2,000-per-night stays in five-star hotels. Along with Jennifer, 32, and another granddaughter, Brianna Pattison, 36, her daughter-in-law Kay Strong, 66, joined her for the concert.

89-Year-Old Flew From Dallas to Paris to See Taylor Swift Live - Business  Insider

The concert was one of the most thrilling experiences of Nancy’s life. Taylor’s dedication was evident as she performed from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., showcasing numerous costume changes and high boots. Nancy’s favorite songs were “The Man” and “Shake It Off,” which had her on her feet and dancing with such enthusiasm that she worried about tumbling over.

Nancy wore a sparkly top and pants from Anthropologie, feeling great in an outfit that flattered her 89-year-old self. After the show, a viral Instagram video captured her dancing, showcasing that joy and fun transcend age and inspiring the younger generation to see that older people can also enjoy life to the fullest.