Will Smith doesn’t know how much mo ney he has: None of it can make you happy

There were other consequences, as he lost many projects in the last two years and brands turned their backs on him.

His memoirs have restored some financial support for a Hollywood legend.

Will Smith’s wealth

Forbes estimates the actor’s net worth at $350 million. In an interview with Complex, he admitted, “I don’t even know, bro. I don’t mention this.”

Will Smith told Complex: “I’m downsizing. First half of life was gather, gather, gather; second half will be give, give, give.”

“People always have that moment somewhere around 50 where something changes,” he said.

“But you understand nothing can make you happy. After you’ve bought everything you want and there’s nothing else you desire, I wish that was a gift everyone could have since material things can’t fulfill you.

“I’m in that scary point of my life when you realize that no romance, money, or kids can make you happy.

“That happy is internal, full frontal contact with your dark knight of the soul and you reconcile that you gotta make happy in here,” he remarked, gesturing to his mind and heart. “You must be pleased without those stuff in here. Take happiness from those you love, not from them. Not for the fainthearted.”